EXCEL 50/100/500/600/800
EN2B-0092GE51 R1111
General Excel 50/100/500/800 controllers feature a special test mode intended specifically
for troubleshooting or system checkout and which allows manually setting outputs
and verifying inputs. When entering the test mode, a set of default datapoints is
generated corresponding to the physical I/O of the controller. The default user
addresses are coded to correspond with the physical I/O in the following way:
AI0101: Analog input, module 1, input 1
AO0201: Analog output, module 2, output 1
DI0301: Digital input, module 3, input 1
DO0401: Digital output, module 4, output 1
3P0101: Motor output, module 1, output 1
NOTE: Excel 50/100 controllers do not have I/O modules, but their technical
addresses follow the same pattern, with module numbers referring to
internal I/O boards. For details, see the Excel 50 and Excel 100
Installation Instructions.
Excel 800 supports the test mode for the Panel Bus I/O Modules, only
Values are displayed (0/1 for digital points) for each of the default datapoints, and
the values are refreshed in this screen as they change. Outputs can be set manual-
ly via MMI. The alarm buffer records all system alarms and all changes of state of
Distributed I/O testing
(V2.04.xx or higher)
Beginning with controller firmware V2.04.x, Distributed I/O modules can be checked
out in the same way as described above. For details, see the Software Release
Bulletin for XL500, controller firmware version 2.04.00.
General Control systems often need to carry out complex monitoring and control functions
as part of their building management task. This is difficult if individual subsystems
cannot exchange data with one another. Control applications using such equipment
soon reach the performance limits of their controllers. This is because there is only
a limited number of inputs and outputs available and it is difficult for the controller to
monitor several processes simultaneously. In addition, it may not be economical to
connect different parts of a plant because they are too far away from one another.
Equipment that has been specially designed to implement only a particular
application has the disadvantages of being more expensive in the first place and
inflexible to future needs.
The Excel 50/100/500/600/800 have a modular structure, so they can be tailored to
match the plant they are controlling. The individual Excel controllers are able to
communicate with one another, so that the configuration of one section of your
system does not limit the overall size of your building management system.
ONWORKS communication
(V2.04.xx or higher)
Excel 50 and Excel 500 controllers equipped with 3120E5 Neuron chips (date code
0044 or higher) are capable of communicating with devices on an Echelon®
ONWORKS® network. For more information, see Excel 50/500 LONWORKS
Mechanisms Description, EN0B-0270GE51.
System Bus
Up to 30 Excel controllers can be connected to one another via a System Bus (C-
bus). Other C-bus compatible components can be substituted for any of the 30
Excel controllers. Example
s of C-bus compatible components are Excel IRC Multi-
controllers, the Excel EMC, and Excel Building Supervisors. The C-bus allows con-