ATTRIBUTES EXCEL 50/100/500/600/800
EN2B-0092GE51 R0512 34
whether the off-phase is selected between the single stages, e.g., for ventilators, or
whether the next lower stage is selected directly, e.g., for electrical air heaters.
Switching down Switching down behavior
0 3, OFF, 2, OFF, 1, OFF
1 3, 2, 1
Switch-On Counter
Record switching frequency The attribute "Switch-On Counter" gives information about the switching frequency
of digital datapoints. The change of state from 0 to 1 is counted in each case.
Technical Address
Technical address An Excel 500/600 controller consists of 16 Distributed input/output modules with a
total of 128 physical inputs and outputs. The Excel 100C provides 36 physical I/Os
(see Excel 100C Installation Instructions, form no. EN1R-0144GE51, for technical
addresses). Where a system requires additional inputs and outputs, several con-
trollers can be connected together. Controllers then communicate with one another
via the system bus.
Each physical datapoint within the system must have an address that identifies the
point uniquely. The technical address contains information about the controller
number, the I/O module number, and also the input/output number in this module
(see Fig. 19).
Input/output number
Controller number (set via MMI)
Module number (set via address switch on each I/O module)
Fig. 19. Example of a technical address
Thus, the address 02.04.01 uniquely identifies the first input/output in the fourth
module of the second controller in your system.
NOTE: The Excel 50 controller does not have I/O modules, but its technical
addresses follow the same pattern, with module numbers referring to
internal I/O boards. For details, see the Excel 50 Installation Instructions.
Mapped points (V2.04.xx or higher) Datapoints that are mapped only to L
ONWORKS network variables are not assigned
to any I/O board. In this case, the board number (module number) of the technical
address is zero.
Trend Logging
Up to 20 datapoints (all datapoint types, except for global datapoints) in each
controller can be trend logged simultaneously. This means changes in the input or
output value can be stored with the user address, value (or status), date, and time
for 20 different datapoints. This is achieved by selecting the attribute "Trend
Logging" to YES in the datapoint description.
For analog values (see Fig. 20), the value, e.g., 20 °C / 68 °F, is displayed in
addition to the user address, date, and time. For digital values (see Fig. 21), the
status text, e.g., "On", is displayed in addition to the user address, date, and time.