ALARM HANDLING EXCEL 50/100/500/600/800
EN2B-0092GE51 R0512 50
alarm text
code #
109 Hardware Failure 88
A Distributed I/O module was removed from the LONWORKS
network or a sensor break or a
sensor short-circuit or missing NV update from a bound NV was detected on a Distributed
I/O module.
110 Hardware OK 89
A missing Distributed I/O module was reconnected to the L
ONWORKS network or a missing
sensor was reconnected on a Distributed I/O module or a sensor break / short-circuit was
repaired or a missing NV update from a bound NV was supplied.
111 M-Bus (XL50, only) - Used only in Excel 50 fixed applications. Shown together with M-Bus-related alarms.
112 OVFL crit. alarms 113 Critical alarm buffer full.
113 OVFL non-crit. al. 114 Non-critical alarm buffer full.
114 OVFL trend 115 Remote trend buffer full.
115 NV Bindings lost 116
If the network interface has been changed in CARE and the changed application has been
downloaded, all bindings will be lost.
116 pls upload trends! 117
The remote trend buffer has reached its notification level and should be uploaded in order
to avoid trend buffer overflow.
117 config data def. 118
Configuration data for the remote communication lost or corrupt due to power failure,
EEPROM fault or uncharged gold cap.
118 unauthorized acc. 119 Unauthorized telephone number and/or unauthorized password tried to dial in.
119 out of memory 120 No more memory available for alarm handling.
120 Please disconnect! 121
Front-end X is online while remote trend buffer for front-end Y exceeds the notification
level. Terminate dial-up connection with the controller in order to allow it to transmit its
remote trend buffer to front-end Y.
121 front-end not avail. 122 Front-end could not be reached. Line occupied or disconnected.
122 config complete 123 Configuration for the remote communication received, accepted and complete.
123 modem device OK 124 Response message to the XBS life check.
124 C bus error 125
No C-Bus communication between remote communication device number and application
device number. Probably the application device number is missing.
125 LON- I/O init start 126 Initialization start of the Distributed I/O modules.
126 LON- I/O init done 127 Initialization of the Distributed I/O modules finished.
127 IP-DIO conflict 128 Standard I/O module XF5xx plugged with address of already-used DIO module XFL5xx.
128 Invalid user ID 212 CARE license key tag in the application is incorrect.
129 MTO Binding failed 155
The user has tried to make more “many-to-one-bindings” during controller runtime than
were specified during CARE engineering. The “many” relation of a “many-to-one-binding”
(MTO) is specified during CARE engineering. (The entered “many” relation will be used to
calculate the memory space taken from the controller's application memory for the “many-
130 board missing 19
In the event of a module defect or power failure (initialization), this alarm is related to the
datapoints on this board. The required configuration contains at least one module not
included in the hardware configuration.
131 board present 108
In the event of a module defect or power failure (initialization), this alarm is related to the
datapoints on this board. A module which is part of the required configuration but was
missing in the hardware configuration has been added to the hardware configuration
System Alarms Suppression (V. 2.04.xx or higher)
System alarms can be suppressed during CARE engineering by inserting the "at"
sign ("@") at the beginning of the corresponding alarm text in the alarm text file.
In order to avoid alarm showers at power failure and power return, separate system
alarms are provided for module power failure and for input failures on the modules
(see Table 21).