TIME PROGRAMS EXCEL 50/100/500/600/800
EN2B-0092GE51 R0512 42
The daily programs of the heating loops are independent from each other. In spite
of their having the same name, such as "Sunday and holidays", the daily programs
for all heating circuits are distinguished through the user addresses defined. The
same also applies to the service water loop daily programs. The switch points and
values can therefore be changed as desired in any daily program without
influencing another daily program. The exact procedure for creating a daily program
is described in the Operating Instructions.
Switching points A daily program can be regarded as a module that contains information about
switching times related to the duration of one day. It contains all user addresses
addressed in this time interval.
The number of switching points per user address is not restricted.
These switching points are defined by means of a switching time, referenced user
address, and a setpoint value or control state. The switching times are set to the
minute. Several switching points can be allocated to one switching instant.
Switching points can be re-entered, changed, or deleted to modify the daily
program. The permissible range (minimum or maximum value) for a user address or
its control state is defined in the datapoint description. No values may be entered
outside this range.
New daily program Daily programs can be generated at operator level 2 (read and limited changes) of
the XI581 (not with XCL5010, Excel 100C), XI582, and XL-Online operator
interfaces and the XL50-MMI. It is possible to assign a name to a daily program
generated on the XL-Online.
V1.05.x The daily program is automatically assigned the name "DPn" (English language) or
"TPn" (German language) (n = sequence power of the daily program) if no name is
assigned by the user or, if the program is generated on the XI581 (not with
XCL5010, Excel 100C), XI582, or the Excel 50 MMI. Once selected, program
names can be changed via the XL-Online.
Application Daily programs are used in the following sections of time programs:
• To generate weekly programs
• For direct entries in annual programs
• For holidays in the special day list
Deleting a daily program If a daily program is to be deleted, the system will check whether this program is
still required in the time program. This daily program cannot be deleted if it is still
contained in the time program.
Weekly Program
A separate weekly program is generated for each time program. The weekly
program defines which daily program is to be used for which weekday. A daily
program is assigned to each day of the week (Monday to Sunday). It is also
possible to assign the same daily program to several weekdays. The weekly
program, if defined, is automatically copied for each week in the annual program.
If a change is made to a weekday in a weekly program, this change will affect the
weekday in every week of the year. If a daily program is entered directly in the
annual program, this daily program will have priority over the daily program from the
weekly program. The definition of a weekly program forms the basis of the annual
Annual Program
The annual program is structured like a calendar and consists of successive weekly
programs. It provides an overview of which daily programs are valid on which
calendar days. If the daily program in a weekly program does not apply on a
particular calendar date, another daily program can be entered for it directly in the
annual program.
The annual program starts on the current day. Each day, the time frame shifts one
day. Days added at the end are automatically assigned the daily program from the
weekly program. This ensures that every day is assigned a daily program.