ATTRIBUTES EXCEL 50/100/500/600/800
EN2B-0092GE51 R0512 18
alarm type/attributes alarm status
enter alarm
point in
no. of prepro-
user program reports always non-critical - - - - -
*DPD = datapoint description
NOTE: A point is still seen as “in alarm” even when alarm suppression is
Cycle Count
The attribute "Cycle Count" contains the value indicating the number of transitions
to the active state (see "Active State (prior to V2.04.x)" on page 14).
Delay Time Switching Up
This attribute is used in conjunction with flexible points of the type "feedback". It
defines the delay time between switching upwards from one stage to another. The
delay time affects every stage. The delay time also takes effect when switching, e.g.
from manual value 0 to 2. In this case, it is switched from stage 0 to stage 1, then to
stage 2 with the delay time between the switching processes.
Range: 0 to 255s
Default value: 10s
Resolution: 1s
Fig. 8. Delay time switching up
Delay Time Switching Down
This attribute is used in conjunction with flexible points of the type "feedback". It
defines the delay time between switching downwards from one stage to another.
The delay time affects every stage.
Range: 0 to 255s
Default value: 10s
Resolution: 1s
The feedback delay time starts to count after termination of delay time switching
up/delay time switching down.