888 Digital S136 Video Games User Manual

General Roasting Reco_,,mendatlons
s Preheating is not necessary.
For open pan roasting,place meat or poultryon the slotted portionof the
two-piece pan includedwith the oven. Do not add water to the pan. Use
open pan roastingfor tender cuts of meat. Less tender cuts of meat need
to be cookedby moistheat in a coveredpan.
For bestresults,a meat thermometeris the most accurateguideto degree
of doneness.The tip of the thermometershould be located in the thickest
part of a roast,nottouchingfat, bone,or gristle.Forturkeysand largepoultry
products,insertthe tip of the thermometerinto the thickestpartof the inner
Placeroastfatsideup to allowself bastingof meatduringroasting.
Since meatscontinue to cook after being removedfrom the oven,remove
roast from oven when it reachesan internaltemperatureabout 5 degrees
belowthe temperaturedesired.
For lesslossof juicesand easier carving,allow about 15 minutes"standing
time"after removingmeatfrom oven.
a For best resultsin roastingpoultry, thaw completely. Due to the etructure
of poultry, partiallythawedpoultry willcook unevenly,
Radiant Bake Roas¢tng Reeommendattons
If preferred, tender cuts of meat can be roasted in the radiant bake oven
by followingthe generalrecommendationsgivenabove.However,meatswill
Radiantbakeis bestfor lesstendercuts of meatthatrequirea longer,moist
heat methodof cooking. Followyour recipefor times and temperaturesfor
Meatscookedin cookingbags,dutchovens,or coveredroastingpans are
bestcookedin the radiantbakeoven.
Use meat roastingcharts in standardcookbooks for recommended times
and temperaturesfor roastingin• radiantbakeoven.