PIM-DM (Dense Mode)
Configuring PIM-DM
PIM-DM requires configuration on both the global level and on the VLAN
(interface) level. The recommended configuration order is:
1. Enable IGMP on all VLANs where hosts may join a multicast group.
2. Enable the following at the global level.
• IP routing
• IP multicast routing
• Router PIM and any non-default, global PIM settings you want to apply
• Router RIP, Router OSPF, and/or a static route
3. If you selected RIP or OSPF in step 2, then on each VLAN where you want
multicast routing to operate, enable the same option.
4. Enable the following in each VLAN context where you want multicast
routing to operate:
• Any non-default, VLAN-level IP PIM settings you want to apply
Global and PIM Configuration Contexts
Note PIM-DM operation requires a routing protocol enabled on the routing switch.
You can use RIP, OSPF, and/or static routing. The examples in this section use
RIP. For more on these topics, refer to Chapter 5, “IP Routing Features” in this
Syntax: [no] ip multicast-routing
Enables or disables IP multicast routing on the routing
switch. IP routing must be enabled. (Default: Disabled.)
Syntax: [no] router pim
Enables or disables PIM at the global level and places the CLI
in the PIM context. IP routing must be enabled first.
(Default: Disabled.)