
PIM-DM (Dense Mode)
Messages Related to PIM Operation
Messages Related to PIM Operation
These messages appear in the Event Log and, if Syslog Debug is configured,
in the designated Debug destinations.
Note The <counter> value displayed at the end of each PIM Event Log message (and
SNMP trap messages, if trap receivers are configured) indicates the number
of times the switch has detected a recurring event since the last reboot. For
more information, refer to “Using the Event Log To Identify Problem Sources”
in the “Troubleshooting” appendix of the latest version of the Management
and Configuration Guide for your switch. (The latest version of all ProCurve
switch documentation is available on the ProCurve website at
Message Meaning
< alpha-string > pkt, src IP < ip-addr > vid
A PIM packet arrived from another router for which no
< vlan-id > (not a nbr) (<counter>)
neighbor was found. May indicate a misconfiguration
between the sending and receiving router. May also occur
if a connected router is disconnected, then reconnected.
Bad TTL in State Refresh pkt from IP
The switch detected a TTL of 0 (zero) in the PIM portion of
< source-ip-addr > (<counter>)
a state refresh packet. (Note that this is not the IP TTL.)
Failed alloc of HW < alpha-str > for flow
There are more than 2048 active flows. The switch routes
< multicast-address >, < source-address >
the excess through software, which processes traffic at a
slower rate. If this will be an ongoing or chronic condition,
transfer some of the flows to another router.
Failed to alloc a PIM < data-type > pkt
The router was unable to allocate memory for a PIM control
packet. Router memory is oversubscribed. Reduce the
number of VLANs or increase the hello delay and/or the
override interval to reduce the number of simultaneous
packet transmissions. Note that if the number of flows
exceeds 2048, the excess flows are routed in software,
which reduces the number of packet transmissions. In this
case, reducing the number of flows by moving some clients
to other routers can help.
Failed to initialize < text-str > as a
Indicates an internal error. Report the incident to your
call back routine (<counter>)
ProCurve customer care center and re-install the router
I/F configured with IP < ip-address > on
Indicates that the interface (VLAN) has been configured
vid < vlan-id > (<counter>)
with the indicated IP address. At boot-up or when an IP
address is changed, the switch generates this message for
each PIM-configured VLAN.