
PIM-DM (Dense Mode)
Messages Related to PIM Operation
Message Meaning
I/F removal with IP < ip-addr > on vid
Indicates that a PIM interface (VLAN) has been removed
< vlan-id > (<counter>)
from the router as a result of an IP address change or
MCAST flow < multicast-address > < source-
address > not rteing (rsc low)
The indicated multicast flow is not routing. The routing
switch is low on memory resources as a result of too many
flows for the number of configured VLANs. Remedies
include one or more of the following:
Reduce the number of configured VLANs by moving
some VLANs to another router.
Free up system resources by disabling another feature,
such as one of the spanning-tree protocols or either the
RIP or the OSPF routing protocol. (Unless you are using
static routes, you will need to retain a minimum of one
unicast routing protocol.) Another option that may help
is to reduce the number of configured QoS filters.
Move some hosts that create multicast demand to
another router.
MCAST MAC add for < mac-address > failed
Indicates a hardware problem. Check the cabling and router
Multicast Hardware Failed to
Indicates a hardware failure that halts hardware
Initialize (<counter>)
processing of PIM traffic. The software will continue to
process PIM traffic at a slower rate. Contact your ProCurve
customer care center.
No IP address configured on VID
PIM has detected a VLAN without an IP address. Configure
< vlan-id > (<dup-msg-cnt>)
an IP address on the indicated VLAN.
Pkt dropped from < ip-address >,(< cause >)
A PIM packet from < ip-address > was dropped due to one
vid < vlan-id > (<counter>)
of the following causes:
No PIM interface on the VLAN
Bad packet length
Bad IP header length
Bad IP total length
Pkt rcvd with a cksum error from
A packet having a checksum error was received from < ip-
< ip-addr > (<counter>)
address >. Check the cabling and ports on the local and the
remote routers.
Rcvd incorrect hello from < ip-addr >
Indicates receipt of a malformed hello packet. (That is, the
packet does not match the current specification.) Ensure
that compatible versions of PIM-DM are being used.
Rcvd < text-str > pkt with bad len from
A peer router may be sending incorrectly formatted PIM
< ip-addr > (<counter>)
Rcvd hello from < ip-address > on vid
Indicates a misconfiguration where two routers are directly
< vlan-id > (<counter>)
connected with different subnets on the same connected