
PIM-SM (Sparse Mode)
Displaying PIM-SM Data and Configuration Settings
ProCurve(config)# show ip pim interface 1
PIM Interface
VLAN : 1
IP Address :
Mode : sparse
Designated Router :
Hello Interval (sec)
Hello Delay (sec)
: 30
: 5
Override Interval (msec)
Propagation Delay (msec)
Neighbour Timeout
: 2500
: 500
: 180
Lan Prune Delay
Lan Delay Enabled
DR Priority
: Yes
: No
: 1
Figure 4-17. Example Showing a PIM-SM Interface Configured on VLAN 1
Table 4-1. PIM Interface Configuration Settings
Field Default Control Command
VLAN n/a vlan < vid > ip pim
IP n/a vlan < vid > ip pim < all | ip-addr >
Mode dense n/a; PIM Dense only
Hello Interval (sec) 300 ip pim hello interval < 5 - 30 >
Hello Delay 5 The router includes this value in the “Hello” packets the it sends to neighbor
routers. Neighbor routers use this value to determine how long to wait for another
Hello packet from the router. Refer to “Changing the Interval for PIM-SM
Neighbor Notification” on page 4-30.
Override Interval (msec) 2500 vlan < vid > ip pim override-interval < 500 - 6000 >
Propagation Delay (msec) 500 vlan < vid > ip pim propagation-delay < 250-2000 >
Neighbor Timeout 180 ip pim-sparse nbr-timeout < 60 - 65535 >
LAN Prune Delay Yes vlan < vid > ip pim lan-prune-delay
LAN Delay Enabled No Shows
Yes if all multicast routers on the current VLAN interface enabled LAN-
prune-delay. Otherwise shows
DR Priority 1 ip pim-sparse dr-priority < 0 - 4294967295 >