Getting Started
This guide is intended for use with the following ProCurve switches:
■ 8200zl switches
■ 6600 switches
■ 5400zl switches
■ 3500, 3500yl and 6200yl switches
It describes how to use the command line interface (CLI), Menu interface, and
web browser to configure, manage, monitor, and troubleshoot switch opera-
tion. For an overview of product documentation for the above switches, refer
to “Product Documentation” on page xiii. To download the switch documen-
tation, visit the ProCurve Networking manuals web page at t www.hp.com/go/
This guide uses the following conventions for commands and screen displays.
Command Syntax Statements
Syntax: ip < default-gateway < ip-addr >> | routing >
Syntax: show interfaces [port-list ]
■ Vertical bars ( | ) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.
■ Square brackets ( [ ] ) indicate optional elements.
■ Braces ( < > ) enclose required elements.
■ Braces within square brackets ( [ < > ] ) indicate a required element within
an optional choice.
■ Boldface indicates use of a CLI command, part of a CLI command syntax,
or other displayed element in general text. For example:
“Use the copy tftp command to download the key from a TFTP server.”
■ Italics indicate variables for which you must supply a value when execut-
ing the command. For example, in this command syntax, you must provide
one or more port numbers: