PIM-SM (Sparse Mode)
Configuration Steps for PIM-SM
Per-Router Global Configuration Context
Use these steps to enable routing and PIM operation in the global configura-
tion context of each PIM-SM router (ProCurve(config)#_)
1. Enable routing. (Use ip routing.)
2. Enable multicast routing. (Use ip multicast-routing.)
3. Enable PIM. (Use router pim.)
4. Configure the routing method(s) needed to reach the interfaces (VLANs)
on which you want multicast traffic available for multicast receivers in
your network:
• Enable RIP or OSPF (Use router < rip | ospf >.)
• If desired, configure static routes to the destination subnets.
(Use ip route < dest-ip-address >/< mask-bits > < next-hop-ip-addr >.)
Per-VLAN PIM-SM Configuration
These steps configure PIM-SM in the VLAN interface context for each VLAN
configured on the router (ProCurve(vlan-< vid >)#_).
1. Enable IGMP. (Use ip igmp.) Repeat this action on every router (and
switch) having membership in the VLAN.
2. Enable the same routing method you enabled in step 4 under “Per-Router
Global Configuration Context” on page 4-21. at both the global and VLAN
levels on the routers where there are connected multicast receivers that
may issue joins or send multicast traffic.
3. Enable PIM-SM on the VLAN interfaces where you want to allow routed
multicast traffic. (Default: disabled)
a. If these VLANs do not already have static IP addresses, then statically
configure one or more IP addresses on each VLAN you want to
support PIM-SM operation. (PIM-SM cannot be enabled on a VLAN
that does not have a statically configured IP address. That is, PIM-SM
cannot use an IP address acquired by DHCP/Bootp.)