Consumer Information
Consumer Information
Take photos in a well-lit area
Move your bangs so the cameras can
recognize your eyebrows
Face the screen directly
Remove your glasses if you use them
There is no sound from the speakers.
• Check to make sure there are no headphones plugged into the system, as the speakers do not operate when headphones are
plugged into the audio jack.
• Try adjusting the volume control to make sure the volume is not turned o.
There is no sound from the headphones.
• Try adjusting the volume control to make sure the volume is not turned o.
• Make sure the headphones are fully inserted all the way into the audio jack.
The microphone doesn’t seem to work or recognize sounds (including headset microphones).
• Make sure the software you are using includes microphone features.
• Conrm that the microphone is operating correctly by performing a microphone test in System Settings (see page 54).
• Some voices may be dicult for the system to recognize. Try having a dierent person speak the same word or phrase to verify if
this is the problem.
• If you are using a headset microphone, try removing it and using the built-in system microphone.
The microphone seems to respond on its own, or there is feedback from the speakers
(including headset microphones).
• The microphone may be responding either to ambient noise in the environment or to noise coming from the speakers. Try to
remove the source of the noise or move to another location. You can also try lowering the speaker volume, as shown below, or
use headphones.
NOTE: If the speakers are emitting odd or high-pitched noises, this may be caused by feedback from the microphone. Lowering
the volume should solve this problem.
• If you are using a headset microphone, try removing it and using the built-in system microphone.
The screen image does not match my movement, or moves when I’m not moving the
system (for software that requires the system to be moved during game play).
The Nintendo 3DS system’s built-in motion sensor may need to be recalibrated. This can be caused by sudden drastic temperature
changes or by a strong impact to the system.
To recalibrate the motion sensor, follow these steps:
NOTE: If you use the Calibrate option, the system will calibrate the motion sensor based on the system being located on a
at horizontal surface, rather than returning to the factory default settings.
While the HOME Menu is displayed, press and hold
and for three seconds.
When the Motion Sensor Calibration screen appears,
lay the system on a at horizontal surface such as a
tabletop and tap either Calibrate or Revert to Default
3D images can’t be seen or are dicult to see.
• Make sure you are not using Nintendo DS or Nintendo DSi software, which do not support 3D image display.
• Check the 3D LED. Not all software includes 3D images, and the 3D LED will light up if 3D images can be viewed.
• Make sure that this feature is not restricted by Parental Controls. If this is the case, you can either enter a PIN to temporarily turn
o Parental Controls, or you can recongure Parental Controls. See Parental Controls in System Settings for more information
(page 43).
• Be aware that 3D images can only be displayed on the upper screen.
• Make sure the 3D depth slider is not set all the way to the bottom of its range (in the o position).
• Make sure you are holding the Nintendo 3DS in the proper position to best view 3D images (see page 18).
• If your left and right eyes have dierent visual abilities, this can make 3D images dicult to see. If you use corrective eye wear,
they may help you to see 3D images.
• Avoid conditions where direct sunlight or other strong light is reecting o the screen.
NOTE: The ability to view 3D images varies from individual to individual. In rare cases, some individuals may be unable to
see 3D images or may only be able to see double images. If this is the case, the 3D screen should be set to display 2D images
only by sliding the 3D depth slider all the way to the bottom of its range.
WARNING: The 3D feature is only for children 7 and older.
The cameras don’t recognize my face.
In certain software titles, the cameras are used to recognize facial features. Observe the following guidelines to improve the
recognition process.
• The surrounding environment, the color of your hair and beard, or facial and hair decorations can interfere with facial recognition.
• In rare cases, dierences in facial features may make the facial recognition process fail.