LexiconMPX G2 User Guide
226 Country Rock
Similar to Rockabilly with a hotter, more overdriven preamp sound. Useful for a lot of
current country sounds. A/B changes from one slap back time delay time to another. The
MPX R1 pedal controls volume. The Toe Switch turns the pedal on and off.
227 Ultra Clean
An Alex Lifeson type clean sound with a triplet delay.
228 Acoustic&FX
An acoustic style preamp with compression and a chamber reverb. The MPX R1 pedal
controls volume. The Toe Switch turns the pedal on and off.
229 TechnoChords
Play a chord and let it ring out. Random tones ring out into delay and reverb. A/B changes
the mix of the effect so that more of the original signal can be heard. Tap changes delay
time. The MPX R1 Toe Switch gives you pedal control of volume or of volume with a
sweep filter scale.
Programs 230-232 are rigs in which the MPX G2 A/B button changes the program from
a lead sound with various effects to a rhythm sound with different effects.
230 Modern A/B
Super saturated high-gain lead sound with Tap tempo delay control. A/B replaces the
delay with reverb, and changes the preamp from lead to rhythm. The MPX R1 pedal
controls volume. The Toe Switch turns the pedal on and off.
231 British A/B
The lead sound is classic British style gain with delay. A/B switches from dirty with delay
to clean with chorus and reverb. The MPX R1 Toe Switch activates pedal wah.
232 Amercan A/B
The lead sound combines overdriven American gain with compression, and echo. A/B
switches from compression and echo to UniVybe with reverb. The MPX R1 pedal controls
volume. The Toe Switch turns the pedal on and off.
Programs 233-239 give you a variety of tremolo-based and pitch effects.
233 Detune Trem
This one delivers the big throb with a tempo-controlled tremolo in front of your amp, dual
pitch shift, delay and reverb in the effects loop. Tremolo depth is pedal-controlled. A/B
goes from dry to wet.
234 DualAutoWahs
Dual auto wahs are controlled by your playing dynamics. The pedal controls the depth of
the stereo wahs. A/B goes from dry to wet.
235 TremoWah
An LFO/tempo-controlled wah before a high-gain preamp, followed by an LFO/tempo-
controlled tremolo which flows into a tempo-controlled delay and then a stereo panner.
Listen to the results! A/B changes the mix value of the wah and tremolo. The MPX R1
pedal controls volume, the Toe Switch turns the pedal on and off.
Live Rigs
(Stand Alone)
(Stand Alone)