The Effects and Parameters
Originally, flanging effects were
created by simultaneously playing
two identical programs on two tape
recorders, then using hand pres-
sure against the flange of the tape
reels to slow down first one ma-
chine, then the other. The result
was a series of changing phase
cancellations and reinforcements,
providing a comb filter and a char-
acteristic swishing, tunneling and
fading sound.
In the MPX G2, the Flanger ef-
fects are two-tap delays. The first
tap is fixed, and the second sweeps
past it. Mixing the two taps to-
gether creates a flanging effect. In
Flanger (M), the moving tap is
swept with an internal LFO.
In the stereo version, Flanger
(S), the delays are modulated by
two sine waves from the same
LFO. The phase relation between
the two waves is set by the Phase
Flanger24 (M) is a higher preci-
sion (32-bit) flanger with identical
parameters to Flanger (M).
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level* Off, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in the processed signal
Rate 0-50Hz or Flange rate or period ratio
1:24-24:1 cycles/beat
(Rate Units) Selects frequency or cycles/beat
PW 0-100% Flange pulse width
Depth* 0-100% Flange depth
Phase 0°-270° In Flanger (S) sets the phase difference between the right
and left flangers
Res -100 to +100 Resonance
Blend 0-100% Amount of fixed tape mixed with moving tape
Flanger (M) and Flanger24 (M)
Flanger (S)
Flanger (M), Flanger24 (M) and Flanger (S)
29 190
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Flanger (M)
42 190
Flanger24 (M)
47 190
Flanger (S)