LexiconMPX G2 User Guide
2 Guitar Solo
Analog Screamer with detuning delay and classic plate reverb. The MPX R1 pedal
controls volume so you can swell your chords into the reverb. A/B controls delay damping.
Tap sets the echo time.The Toe Switch turns the pedal On and Off.
3 Cordovox
This program simulates the sound of a Cordovox cabinet — a single speaker with a
rotating baffle that produces a swirling stereo vibe. The Gain effect is clean analog Tone
that will boost your amp a bit so when you dig in you get some grit but, as you play lighter,
or switch to less powerful pickups, you get cleaner sounds. A/B controls fast and slow
speeds of the rotating baffle. Tap sets the echo time.The MPX R1 pedal controls volume,
the Toe Switch turns the pedal On and Off.
4 Power Chords
A 2-voice pitch shifter with one voice set for an octave down. A/B toggles the second voice
between a fourth down and unison. Press Gain for high-gain distortion. Tap sets the
delay time. The MPX R1 pedal controls the pitch shift mix, its Toe Switch turns pitch On
and Off.
5 Vybe/Flange
Here’s a rig that lets you jump between vintage and modern sounds by using the MPX
R1 Toe Switch to swap the UniVybe with a Stereo Flanger. The UniVybe is in front of the
amp and the Flanger is in the effects loop. The pedal is a power amp volume pedal. A/
B pumps up the echo level and repeats when set to B. The Screamer analog overdrive
loads bypassed — press Gain to light things up.
6 AnotherBrick
This echo/chorus program was inspired by Pink Floyd. “Hey! Leave those kids alone!”
Press A/B to split delay times in half. Tap sets delay times. The MPX R1 pedal controls
volume, so you can swell your chords into the reverb. The Toe Switch turns the pedal on
and off.
7 EnvFilter LP
A very funky, synth-like effect, reminiscent of a Mu-tron III set to “LP”. The dynamics of
your playing opens and closes a resonant filter. A/B brings in some stereo echoes. The
MPX R1 pedal controls the effects sensitivity to your playing dynamics. The Toe Switch
turns the effect on and off.
8 TremoWah
An LFO/tempo-controlled wah before guitar amp input followed by an LFO/tempo-
controlled tremolo which flows into a tempo-controlled delay and then a stereo panner.
Listen to the results! A/B changes the mix value of the wah and tremolo. The MPX R1
pedal controls volume, the Toe Switch turns the pedal on and off.
9 JamMan
It’s baaaack!!!!!!! A medium-gain preamp with a chorus, reverb and a 20-second single
loop JamMan! The MPX G2 front panel buttons or the MPX R1 control:
Tap = Record Loop
A/B = Layer
Delay = Clear Loop
The MPX R1 Toe Switch lets the pedal control volume (Toe Switch off) or wah (Toe Switch
10 VH Rig
A classic VH stomp rig. This programs loads with OrangePhase and delay for the original
sound. Press Chorus, Effect 1 and Reverb to add a classic gray flange and a Dual
Detuner for the new Eddie Sound. A/B adds delay and delay feedback. Tap sets delay
times. The MPX R1 pedal controls volume, the Toe Switch turns the pedal on and off.