LexiconMPX G2 User Guide
Programs 40-49 are ogranized as a custom effects rig when used with the MPX R1 MIDI
Remote Controller.
All fo the programs feature pitch bending or harmony. Analog overdrive, stereo delay,
chorus/detune and reverb are included as well, but most of the programs load with them
bypassed. They’re ready to go, if you want to add them to the mix.
Programs 41-45 correspond
to MPX R1 buttons 1-5. These
are pitch bending effects.
MPX G2 programs 40 and 46-49
correspond to MPX R1 buttons 6-0.
These are harmony effects.
In programs 41-45, the pedal glides the
pitch. In programs 40 and 46-49, it bcomes
a volume control for harmony notes.
Tap sets the delay
A/B changes the bend
or harmony interval.
Pitch Rig
(Amp Input + FX Loop)
Programs 41-45 are set up as pitch pedals for dive bomb and bend effects. In each of
these, the pitch shifter is in front of the amp.
41 Pdl Octaves
Use the pedal to create outrageous octave sweeps. A/B changes the direction of the
sweep (A=octave up, B=octave down). Chorus, delay and reverb are in the effects loop.
Check out the Glide parameter in the Soft Row. When it’s Off, the pedal prodcues a
chromatic glissando instead of a continuous glide.
42 Pdl 2nds
The pedal gives you whole-step bends. A=bend up. B=bend down.
43 Pdl 2->3 b3->3
The shifted signal is mixed with the dry signal to produce 2-voice harmony. The pedal lets
you bend the shifted harmony voice. Use A/B to alternate the basic tuning. A=whole-step
bend from major second to major third. B=half-step bend from minor third to major third.
44 Pdl 2->3 3->4
Use A/B to alternate the basic tuning. A=whole-step bend from major second to major
third. B=whole-step bend from major third to a fourth.
45 Pdl 4->5 5->6
Use A/B to alternate the basic tuning. A=whole-step bend from a fourth to a fifth. B=whole-
step bend from fifth to a sixth.
The Toe Switch
turns the pitch
shifter on and off.