MPX G2 Internal Controllers
Env is an envelope follower which creates an output that varies with the level of
the Src parameter. You can choose any two audio level as sources. To follow
the levels on both Returns, set Src1 to Ret L and Src 2 to Ret R. Use Resp and
ATrim to customize the response to level changes. Resp values below 50 take
many seconds to “catch up” with audio level changes. For most situations, you’ll
find values above 50 to be the most useful.
Parameter Range Description
Src (1 or 2) Off, In, Ret L, Ret R,
FX2R, ChrsL, ChrsR,
RvbR, DlyL, DlyR,
PreOut, MainL, MainR
Atrim 0-100 Allows attack time to be shortened relative
to overall response. 0=same as Resp,
larger numbers shorten response.
Resp 0-100 Responsiveness
The rear panel Foot Switch jack can be connected to as many as three
independent analog switches. Each switch appears as two simultaneous patch
Tog1: Value toggles between 0 and 127 at each off/on
transition of foot switch 1.
Tog2: Value toggles between 0 and 127 at each off/on
transition of foot switch 2.
Tog3: Value toggles between 0 and 127 at each off/on
transition of foot switch 3.
Sw1: Value is 0 when foot switch 1 is off, 127 when foot
switch 1 is on.
Sw2: Value is 0 when foot switch 2 is off, 127 when foot
switch 2 is on.
Sw3: Value is 0 when foot switch 3 is off, 127 when foot
switch 3 is on.
Footswitch Controllers