LexiconMPX G2 User Guide
Programs 210-219 are designed to give you a collection of classic studio effects for
recording guitar tracks. Each program can be used stand alone for tracking — just plug
in your guitar and record direct through the MPX G2 built-in preamp. (You can easily
change the preamp by using the Copy Effect function in Edit mode to copy the preamp
from any other program.
These programs can also be used for tracking with an external preamp as well as for
processing pre-recorded tracks during mixdown.
When using an external preamp, connect its outputs to the MPX G2 Insert Return jacks.
Use the MPX G2 Speaker Simulator to fine tune the raw preamp sound.
To process pre-recorded tracks, connect the MPX G2 Insert Returns to your console’s
sends as you would any stereo processor. Turn off the MPX G2 Speaker Simulator and
Noise Gate, and set Post Mix (in Edit: Mix mode) to 100% wet.
Note: Program 218 Analog Echo and 219 InfiniteEcho are designed to get input from
the MPX G2 Guitar Input jack. When using these MPX G2 programs with a console,
connect the console send to the MPX G2 Guitar input.
210 Classic Detune
A simple but gorgeous effect. The dual pitch shifter is used to independently detune the
left and right sides of the stereo field. The classic settings are ±8 cents, but feel free modify
these default settings.
211 Comp + Chrs
Compressor and stereo chorus combined for a chiming effect. Stereo delays are tuned
up too, but are bypassed when the program loads. Press Delay to bring them in.
212 Stereo Phaser
Two separate OrangePhaser effects independently process left and right channels.
213 Env AutoPan
RedComp pumps up the signal before it gets to Preamp. From there, it runs through
reverb auto pan, chorus and delay. The twist here is that the panner rate is envelope-
controlled. Play a big chord and listen to what happens as it rings out. The MPX R1 pedal
controls the depth of the panning. Tap sets the delay rhythm.
214 Env AutoWahs
An alternative take on standard tremolo effects. Dual auto wahs are controlled by your
playing dynamics. The MPX R1 pedal controls the depth of both wahs.
215 EnvFilter LP
A very funky, synth-like effect, reminiscent of a Mu-tron III set to “LP”. The dynamics of
your playing opens and closes a resonant filter. A/B brings in some stereo echoes. The
MPX R1 pedal controls the effects sensitivity to your playing dynamics. The Toe Switch
turns the effect on and off.
216 Dual Delay
Basic, but essential. Left and right channel delays — each with independent delay time
(up to 10 seconds), level, pan and feedback controls. Everything is in the Soft Row for
instant access. You can make one or both of these delays tempo-controlled. Just press
Options with the Time parameter displayed, select “echoes:beat” and press Options
Studio Effects
(Stand Alone)