
The Effects and Parameters
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level 0ff, -89dB to +6dB Amount of effect in processsed signal
Sense -72dB to +24dB Sensitivity (Pre-Compressor level)
Thrsh -83dB to 0dB Gain reduction threshold
Gain -72dB to +24dB Post-Compressor level
ATime 0-2000 ms Attack time
RTime 0-2000 ms Release time
Blue Comp is a recreation of
another popular compression
pedal, the CS-3. Like the CS-3 it
has variable Sustain (Sense),
Threshold (Thrsh), Gain, Attack
(ATime) and Release (RTime) pa-
rameters. These versatile controls
make it flexible enough to be used
with many different styles and any
type of guitar (including acoustic
and bass). Blue Comp is useful in
front of an amp or in the effects
loop. Follow a Chorus or Detune
effect with Blue Comp to produce
a “chime-like” effect a la Andy Sum-
mers with Police. In fact, you can
use two at once. For example,
connect two in series in front of an
overdrive for super smooth sus-
tain that's perfect for slide playing.
Blue Comp
DigiDrive1 and DigiDrive2
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Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level 0ff, -89dB to +6dB Amount of effect in processsed signal
Drive 0-100 Amount of digital distortion
Low -72dB to +24dB Pre-Drive low frequency cut/boost
Mid -72dB to +24dB Pre-Drive mid frequency cut/boost
High -72dB to +24dB Pre-Drive high frequency cut/boost
The DigiDrive 1 and 2 effects
combine digital distortion with 3-
band tone controls. In DigiDrive1,
the tone controls are in front of the
distortion. In DigiDrive 2, the tone
controls follow the distortion. The
distortion produced by these ef-
fects is not meant to mimic analog
distortion, but to provide an alter-
native sound. (Think “digital fuzz
box.”). The next time you’re look-
ing for an in-your-face fuzz effect,
pump one of these into your amp.
You might be surprised at what
comes out.
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DigiDrive1 DigiDrive2