MPX G2 User Guide
In Tremolo (M), the left and right
inputs are mixed together, then a
local sinewave generator modu-
lates the volume.
In Tremolo (S) the left input is
modulated by a local sinewave gen-
erator before going to the left out-
put. The right input is modulated by
sin, cos, -sin, or -cos, depending
on the Phase parameter.
These are the smallest mono
and stereo effects with interpolated
output level controls. You can use
them (with the tremolo turned off)
to add smooth output level control
to a stereo effect that doesn’t have
output level interpolation.
Mix* 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level* Off, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in the processed signal
Rate* 0-50Hz Tremolo rate or period ratio
1:24-24:1 cycles/beat
(Rate Units) Selects frequency or cycles/beat
PW* 0-100% Tremolo pulse width
Depth* 0-100% Tremolo depth
Phase 0°-270° In Tremolo (S), controls the phase difference between the
right and left tremolo
NOTE: Mix is interpolated in Tremolo (S) only.
Tremolo (M) Tremolo (S)
Tremolo (M) and Tremolo (S)
17 190
Tremolo (M)
13 190
Tremolo (S)
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Univybe is a recreation of a vin-
tage Uni-Vibe. The Uni-Vibe, origi-
nally intended for use with elec-
tronic organs (as a replacement
for rotating speakers), became an
essential effect for many guitar-
ists. Its dreamy swirling sound has
become a defining element of many
Hendrix live and studio recordings
(also used by Robin Trower, David
Gilmore, Audley Freed and many
Our version is modeled on a
vintage Uni-Vibe set to “chorus”
with depth turned up all the way.
The Rate control matches the
range, and slightly wobbly shape
of the original speed control. To
get the classic effect, put a slow
UniVybe in front of your guitar amp,
set the amp for a moderate amount
of gain and play the opening chords
to “Little Wing”. You’ll find that that
the effect is more pronounced when
you play clean and that it fades into
the background as your tone gets
more distorted.
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level 0ff, -89dB to +6dB Amount of effect in processsed signal
Rate 0-100 Univybe rate
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