LexiconMPX G2 User Guide
Programs 60-79 each contain a single effect. Use them alone, or as building blocks to
create your own multi-effects programs from scratch. Use Copy Effect in Edit mode to
copy different combinations into a single program.
60 Univybe
Our recreation of a vintage Uni Vibe, a signature Hendrix sound.
61 Octave Fuzz
This program combines a sub octave with Octavia-style effects with analog distortion.
The sub octave comes in when A/B is toggled to B. Turn Gain on and off to control the
fuzz distortion. Effect 2 is the OctaBuzz. To get that Hendrix sound, turn off the sub octave
and play single notes above the 12th fret using your neck pickup. The MPX R1 Toe Switch
simultaneously turns the shifter, Octabuzz and distortion on and off. The pedal is a power
amp booster that provides an additional 6dB of volume to kick a solo out over the edge.
62 Phaser
A recreation of the classic Mu-tron Phaser
63 EnvFilter
A recreation of the Mu-tron autowah. Look out Bootsy!
64 C-Wah:
Our recreation of the classic Crybaby Wah. The MPX R1 pedal controls the wah sweep
while the MPX R1 Toe Switch turns the wah on and off like the original.
65 Blue Comp
A recreation of the Boss CS-2 Compressor — a staple of many country players.
66 Vintage Trem
A classic vintage tremolo.
67 IPS TapeSlap
Press A/B to select delays that simulate 7.5 or 15ips tape slaps.
68 Space Echo
A simple but tasty delay effect. The sound changes with each repeat. For the sound of
the more expensive version, press Chorus, which is bypassed when the program loads.
69 Octabuzz
Another classic Octavia effect — best known from Purple Haze.
70 OrangePhase
A recreation of the Phase 90 effect made famous by Eddie Van Halen.
71 Gray Flange
The flanger that created the signature sound on Van Halen’s “Unchained”.
72 RedComp
A recreation of the popular Dyna Comp compressor.
73 S/H Pedal
A recreation of the Maestro pedal used by Frank Zappa in the 70’s.
74 V-Wah
Our recreation of the classic Vox Wah. The MPX R1 pedal controls the wah sweep. The
Toe Switch turns the wah on and off like the original.
75 Modern Trem
A modern (alternative style) tremolo with a sharper, square wave type feel than a vintage
Effects Collection
(Amp Input + FX Loop)