The Effects and Parameters
Reverb Effects
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level Off, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in the processed signal
Size 4.0-35.0 meters Length of Chamber
Link Off, On Scales Decay and Spred with Size
Diff 0-100% Increase of initial echo density over time
P Dly 0-250ms Delay inserted before the onset of reverberation
Bass 0.2-4.0x Reverb time for low frequency signals
Decay 0.07-65.4s Reverb time for mid frequency signals
Xover 30Hz to 24.7kHz, Full Frequency of transition from Decay to Bass
Rt HC 525Hz-24.7kHz, Flat High frequency content of Decay
Shape 0-255 Contour of the reverberation envelope
Spred 0-255 Sustain of reverberation after initial build up
The Chamber effect produces
an even, relatively dimensionless
reverberation, with little change in
color as the sound decays. The
initial diffusion is similar to the Hall
effect, but the sense of space and
size is much less obvious. This
characteristic, along with the low
color of the decay tail makes Cham-
ber useful on a wide range of ma-
terial. It is especially useful on spo-
ken voice, giving a noticeable in-
crease in loudness with very low
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level Off, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in the processed signal
Size 20-76.0 meters Length of Hall
Link Off, On Scales Decay and Spred with Size
Diff 0-100% Increase of initial echo density over time
P Dly 0-250ms Delay inserted before the onset of reverberation
Bass 0.2-4.0x Reverb time for low frequency signals
Decay 0.12-65.4s Length of the reverb tail
Xover 30Hz to 24.7kHz, Full Frequency of transition from Decay to Bass
Rt HC 525Hz-24.7kHz, Flat High frequency content of Decay
Shape 0-255 Contour of the reverberation envelope
Spred 0-255 Sustain of reverberation after initial build up
The Hall effect emulates a real
concert hall. The reverberation is
very clean, and designed to re-
main behind the direct sound —
adding ambience, but leaving the
source unchanged. This effect has
a relatively low initial density which
builds up gradually over time.
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
The MPX G2 Reverb effects provide a full suite of reverberation and ambience
algorithms. All of the reverbs are true stereo in that differerent processing is applied to
the left and right input signals. Dedicated processing resources are allocated to the
reverb effects so that you can always load any reverb into any program, regardless of
what other effects are loaded. The MPX G2's Global Reverb function allows reverb tails
to ring out through program changes. (See Global Effects in Chapter 5: System
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