
cp unit-id Enter the cp unit-id parameters to display the results only
of the offline diagnostic tests run on the Control Processor
CPU. The Control Processor CPU ID is 0.
rp unit-id Enter the rp unit-id parameters to display the results only
of the offline diagnostic test srun on the Route Processor
CPU. The Route Processor CPU ID is 0.
linecard unit-id Enter the linecard unit-id parameters to display the
results only of the offline diagnostic test run on a specified
line card. he range of line-card CPU IDs is from 0 to 2. Each
line-card CPU processes packets on the corresponding
Z9500 line card; for example, line-card CPU 1 processes
packets on line card 1.
summary Enter the keyword summary to display a summary of the
offline diagnostic test results.
detail Enter the keyword detail to display detailed information
about the offline diagnostic test results.
Defaults A summary of the results of offline diagnostic tests run on all Z9500 CPUs (Control
Processor, Route Processor, and line cards) is displayed.
EXEC Privilege
Use the show diag command to view a summary of diagnostic information
presented for each Z9500 CPU. CPU diagnostic results are presented in the
following order: Control Processor (CP), line-card processor 0 (LP0), line-card
processor 1 (LP1), line-card processor 2 (LP2), and Route Processor (RP).
Example: While
diagnostics are
running on a
line card
Dell# show diag linecard 0 detail
Diag status of linecard member 0:
linecard is currently offline.
linecard level0 diag issued at Wed Jan 08, 2014 04:39:58
Current diag status : Card diags are in progress.
Last notification received at Wed Jan 08, 2014 04:40:05 AM
Last notification message : Testing ... rtcTest
Dell# show diag linecard 0 summary
Diag status of linecard member 0:
linecard is currently offline.
linecard level0 diag issued at Wed Jan 08, 2014 04:39:57
Current diag status : Card diags are in progress.
Last notification received at Wed Jan 08, 2014 04:40:04 AM
Last notification message : Testing ... rtcTest
Debugging and Diagnostics