
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(tme):f10TaskCreate: spawned PM svc(34)
inst(5) p_cpid(11)
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(PM):f10TaskStartup: svc(34) inst(5)
parentSvc(13) parentInst(5) taskIdx(4372): tskSvc(34)
tskInst(5) p_cpid(11) p_procId(302) p_pstate(0x2000d)
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(tme):f10TaskCreate: spawned timerMgr
svc(45) inst(5) p_cpid(12)
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(timerMgr):f10TaskStartup: svc(45) inst(5)
parentSvc(13) parentInst(5) taskIdx(5780): tskSvc(45)
tskInst(5) p_cpid(12) p_procId(302) p_pstate(0x2000d)
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(tme):f10TaskCreate: spawned sysAdmTsk
svc(33) inst(5) p_cpid(13)
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(sysAdmTsk):f10TaskStartup: svc(33) inst(5)
parentSvc(13) parentInst(5) taskIdx(4244): tskSvc(33)
tskInst(5) p_cpid(13) p_procId(302) p_pstate(0x2000d)
[9/3 5:18:33] POLLER-(KP):doMasterDetectEvt(): evt has
occurred master slot = 1
[9/3 5:18:33] ****** ERROR TME-(PM):Error:
f10_tmeGetPeerIpAddrByName failed service 30 inst 0
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(tme):f10TaskCreate: spawned dla svc(32)
inst(5) p_cpid(14)
[9/3 5:18:33] TME-(dla):f10TaskStartup: svc(32) inst(5)
parentSvc(13) parentInst(5) taskIdx(4116): tskSvc(32)
tskInst(5) p_cpid(14) p_procId(302) p_pstate(0x2000d)
[9/3 5:18:33] ****** ERROR TME-(dla):Error:
f10_tmeGetPeerIpAddrByName failed service 253 inst 0
- Repeated 1 time.
---------- More ----------
traceroute — displays packet route to a destination device.
show tech-support
Display a collection of data from other show commands, necessary for Dell Networking technical support
to troubleshoot switch operation.
show tech-support [linecard slot-id | page]
linecard slot-id Enter the slot ID of the line card for which you want to
collect information for tech support. The range of Z9500 slot
IDs is from 0 to 2. Enter linecard all to collect
troubleshooting information on all line cards.
page (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword page to view 24 lines of text
at a time. Press the SPACE BAR to view the next 24 lines.
Press the ENTER key to view the next line of text.
Control and Monitoring