48 InfraStruXure InRow RC Service
Fan Assembly
#2 Phillips screwdriver
1. Remove power to the unit by disconnecting both power cords (feed A and feed B).
2. Lockout/tagout the unit being serviced.
3. Remove the front door of the unit.
4. Loosen the four captive screws
with a #2 Phillips-head
screwdriver at each corner of the
5. Grab the fan assembly by each side
and pull it out of the unit.
6. Align the power/control
connection (FAN1-FAN8) on the
new fan assembly with the
connection in the unit.
7. Install the new fan assembly.
8. Tighten the captive screw at each corner of the fan box to 15–20 in·lbs (1.7–2.3 N·m) of torque
and re-install the front door.
The fans can be replaced without removing power from the unit.
For safety reasons, remove power whenever possible. If you must swap fans while the
unit is recieving power, take appropriate safety precautions to avoid moving parts and
live electrical components.
This device may be connected to more than one input power source. Verify
that both feed A and feed B have been disconnected before attempting
Fan 6 (third from top)
requires removal of the
display. See “Local
Display” on page 53.
If you are replacing a fan assembly while the unit is powered, the fan
will begin operating as soon as the electrical connection is made.