Service Procedures: Assembly Site Form
18 InfraStruXure InRow RC
Environment: Yes/No
1. Is space construction complete
2. Is space environment suitable for unit operation?
Temp: Humid:
3. Is there signs of damage to the system (RC, CDU)?
4. If damage was present did the customer file a claim with the shipping
for the dama
5. Is there sufficient service access for the RC & CDU? (Minimum front
access is 36". The CDU Needs 36" on both sides as well for connection to
the Chilled Water mains durin
installation onl
ccess RC
Front Access
6. Is there sufficient RC removal access (Minimum RC removal access
from the front of a row is 45"
ccess RC
Side Access
7. Was equipment delivered inventoried against CTO report?
Has an
ed loose missin
arts been re
orted to PC and ordered
9. Missing components list them here with expected ETA.
Description: Qty: ETA:
Installation Checks: Yes/No
1. Is the system located in the correct position per the CTO report
2. Has unit leveling feet been deployed?
3. Is Unit leveled?
Is Unit properly attached to the rest of the cabinets of the ISX Solution
er the installation manual?
Document number 990-2402
5. Does the unit have to be mounted to the floor for Seizmic reasons
6. If Seizmic mounting is required has the shipping brackets been reused
to la
the RC and or CDU to the floor?
7. Does the RC have a RACS (Rack Air Containment System) attached to
the RC
Return or both Return and Suppl
Is the RACS installed properly per the Installation manual for the RACS
? (Document numbers 990-2643 RACS Overview, 990-2858 RC return,
990-2859 SX return, 990-2860 RACS end caps, 990-2861 RC supply, 990-
2863 SX front
9. Is the RC part of a HACS (Hot Aisle Containment System)
10. Is the RC installed into the HACS per the installation manual for the
Document number 990-1607B
11. Is the RC piping connected to a CDU (Coolant Distribution Unit)?
12. Is the CDU installed per the installation manual? (Document number
13. Is the RC and or CDU on a raised floor that can support the operational
weight of the units? (Operating weight of the RC 400lbs, Operational
ht of the CDU is 525lbs
Mechanical Checks: Yes/No
Has APC provided the Chiller?
2. Is a CDU and Pex-Al-Pex tubing being used
3. If Pex-Al-Pex tubing is being used is it supported every 32" or based on
local piping support requirements?
4. Has a 20 mesh strainer been installed in the Chilled Water supply main
to the CDU Unit or to the RC Suppl
line if the CDU is not used?
5. Which piping configuration is being used on the RC Top or Bottom? Top: Bottom:
ny leaks present in the piping?
8. Is the Chilled water piping the proper size?
: Return:
Record piping sizes for Chilled Water mains
APC Part Number:
List missing parts below with Qty's and ETA
6. Was the chilled water piping pressure tested?