164-122012 Power
400 Page 26 of 42
-400 is designed to accept the input from almost any transducer that operates in the
ranges of zero to five volts, zero to ten volts or four to twenty milliamps. In most cases, transducers are
capable of having their minimum signal and maximum signal adjusted to correspond with the minimum
(ZERO) and maximum (SPAN) unit-of-measure that they are designed to reflect.
For example:
A transducer designed to output 0 volts while reading a temperature of 0 degrees centigrade and output 5
volts while reading 100 degrees centigrade is connected to channel one of the POWER
In actuality, the transducer is sending -0.23 volts at 0 degrees and 5.11 volts at 100 degrees. By zeroing
channel one of the POWER
-400 while reading the low signal from the transducer, the display will be
000.0 when the temperature is 0°C. Like wise, by setting the CAL value to 100.0 while reading the 5.11
volt signal causes the POWER
-400 to display 100.0 when the temperature is actually 100°C.
This procedure will not account for any non-linearity in any transducer’s output. That is, the
accuracy/calibration of any transducer must be independently set, checked and verified before
connecting to the POWER
-400, or, the transducer/ POWER
-400 combination must be
calibrated together as a system, if the accuracy of the whole system is to be known.
10.8.1. Resetting the Zero Only
While the SETUP/CAL menu is being displayed and after making a selection from the CHANNEL
SELECT menu, select CALIBRATE by pressing the number 7 key followed by ENTER, then choose
ZERO ONLY by pressing the number 1 key and ENTER. The ZERO menu will be displayed which also
displays the selected channel number and the signal being received. If this signal is an acceptable signal
for zero, press the ENTER key to accept it. If the indicated signal is not an acceptable level for reading
zero, the operator has an opportunity at this stage to correct any problems while reading the incoming
signal before pressing the ENTER key and accepting it. Alternatively, the operator can press ESC to exit
the SETUP/CAL mode and return to it later. After accepting the displayed signal level as the zero point,
the display returns to its previously programmed settings. See Appendix D.
10.8.2. Resetting the Span Only
After selecting a channel in the CHANNEL SELECT portion of the SETUP/CAL menu, press 7 +
ENTER to select CALIBRATE. SPAN ONLY is selected by pressing number 3 + ENTER. The
SPAN window is displayed which contains the chosen channel and the incoming signal on that channel.
If the displayed signal is an acceptable full range value, press ENTER to accept it. The previously
programmed display returns with the selected channel now displaying the CAL’d value. If the incoming