Sony Music Entertainment DXF-C50WA Video Games User Manual

Using the Menu
06 WAVEFORM Displays a simplified input signal
waveform as a sub display. The right
illustration is an example of the
waveform monitor when a color bar
signal is input.
Adjust the output level of camera
under the LEVEL ADJUST menu
before using the WAVEFORM menu
(waveform monitor display).
The waveform monitor allows for easy
checking of an image waveform.
WAVEFORM [OFF]/ON For selecting normal display (OFF) or waveform monitor
display (ON).
INTENSITY 1 to [5] to 10 For setting the brightness of the waveform monitor display.
Increasing the value brightens the waveform monitor
POSITION LEFT/[RIGHT] For selecting the position of the waveform monitor display.
LEFT: Displays the waveform monitor display in the lower
left of the screen
RIGHT: Displays the waveform monitor display in the
lower right of the screen
HALF TONE [OFF]/ON For selecting black for the background of the waveform
monitor display (OFF), or the halftone (transparent) display
SWEEP [LINE]/FIELD For selecting the display mode of waveform monitor.
LINE: Displays the video level at any point on the
horizontal axis of the image
FIELD: Displays the video level at any point on the
vertical axis of the image
LINE SELECT [OFF]/ON For selecting the normal waveform monitor display (OFF), or
waveform monitor display for the selected LINE level (ON),
when “LINE” is selected in “SWEEP.”
LINE 0 to [50] to 100 For setting the position of selected LINE when “ON” is
selected in “LINE SELECT.” Increasing the value shifts the
selected LINE lower, and decreasing the value shifts it
COLOR [W]/R/G/B/YL For selecting the color of selected LINE.
INTENSITY 1 to [5] to 10 For setting the brightness of selected LINE. Increasing the
value brightens the selected LINE display.
CURSOR 0 to [50] to 100 For setting the cursor position in waveform monitor display.
Increasing the value shifts the cursor up, and decreasing the
value shifts it lower.
COLOR [W]/R/G/B/YL For selecting the cursor display color in the waveform
monitor display.
Page Menu Item Settings
(default in [ ])