With Main SW Power is not supplied. Plug in correctly
ON, no activation
Power supply/voltage is not correct. Make sure that power supply/voltage is
AC main fuse causes the Check fuse. Remove the cause of
power to be cut off due to momentary overload and replace fuse
Operation is Volume Setting Failure Perform Volume setting
unsatisfactory Adjust or replace V.R.
Poor mesh of V.R. gear.
Adjust Gear mesh..
Spring failure due to secular change
of Accelerator and Brake Mecha. Replace the Spring.
Irregular sound Greasing to gear mesh portion is not Apply greasing or eliminate extraneous
emitted from satisfactory, or extraneous matter matter.
inside Rear Cabinet mixed in.
No sound is emitted. Sound Volume adjustment is not Adjust sound volume. (see Chapter 7-1).
Sound BD and speaker are Perform sound test to find and replace
malfunctioning. defective parts.(Refer to Chapter 7-3E).
No sound from In correct Cabinet Type Setting. Correct Cabinet Type Setting.
The Fluorescent The Fluorescent tube is burnt out. Replace the Fluorescent tube
lamp does not (Refer to Section 11).
light up.
Shift lever does not Shift SW malfunctioning. Replace SW
operate satisfactorily.
Operation of Accel. V.R. malfunctioning. Replace the V.R.
and Brake Pedals are
not satisfactory. Adjust Gear not engaged properly. Adjust the engagement of the Adust Gear.
Should trouble occur, first check connector connections.