F01U265459) contains complete instructions for programming outputs. Refer to Terminals 6
and 7, page 25, Fire System Power Formula, page 25, and Terminal 8, page 26 for
descriptions of the functions of each terminal. Refer to the Bell Parameters section of the
program to set the Fire Bell, Alarm Bell, and Gas Bell output responses for outputs. Four
annunciation patterns are available: Steady, Pulsed, California Standard, Temporal Code 3,
and Temporal Code 4.
Voltage Output at Terminals 6, 7, and 8
If Terminals 6, 7, and 8 do not provide the expected output, check:
– Programming for Outputs A, B, and C in the outputs section of the program. For proper
operation, do not program a Panel Wide Output the same as an Area Wide Output.
– Bell Parameters section of the program to confirm that the Alarm, Fire, and Gas Bell
responses are programmed for the expected duration and pattern.
– Point Assignments section to confirm that each point is programmed for the expected
local response.
Terminals 6 and 7
When activated, Terminals 6 (Output A) and 7 (Output B), provide positive (+) 12.0 VDC
Nominal power output. Use the power at Terminals 6 and 7 to power bells, siren drivers,
piezoelectric fire sounders, electronic horns, or other devices.
Programming determines the format of the output and the conditions that activate it. One self-
resetting circuit breaker protects Terminals 6, 7, and 8 against shorts. When using Output A or
Output B to activate notification appliance circuits in UL Listed fire alarm applications, install
a D192G Indicating Circuit Module.
Available Power
The system combines the 1.4 A of primary power produced by the power supply with the
secondary power source (the battery) to produce a total of 2.0 A of alarm power at 12.0 VDC
Nominal. Terminals 6 and 7 share the available alarm power.
Power Restricted for Fire and Combined Fire and Burglary Systems
Fire systems are prohibited from using the battery for determining alarm power. Use the fire
system power formula described in Fire System Power Formula, page 25 to calculate the
current available for fire and combined fire and burglary systems.
Fire System Power Formula
To calculate the current available at Terminals 6 and 7 for fire and combined fire and burglary
1. Add together the current draws for all devices connected to Terminals 3, 8, 24, and 32,
and the accessory connector. This is the total current required for the normal standby
condition (NSC).
2. The current available for NSC is 1.4 A. Subtract the NSC current required calculated in
Step 1 from the NSC current available, 1.4 A. The difference is the alarm current available
for Terminals 6 and 7.
In formula format:
1.4 A - NSC current required (Step 1) = Alarm current available
Refer to the Approved Applications chapter inside the D9412GV4/D7412GV4 v2.00 Installation
and System Reference Guide (P/N: F01U265457) for module or accessory current requirements.
Control Panel Power Supply and Power Outputs | en 25
Bosch Security Systens, Inc. UL Installation Instructions 2012.12 | 02 | F.01U.265.462