Below, find a step-by-step example of how to define a new user.
Step 1: Defining the User Name
a) Select the user name that you would like to define from the “Users and
Passwords” table.
b) User1Name is currently set to “User1”. This value is a text string up to 15 characters
long. The default value is “User1”.
c) Type in new user name and press “Change”.
Step 2: Changing User Passwords
You will see the current password. This value is a secret password up to 15 characters
long. Enter twice to confirm value. The default value is “[none/empty]”.
Step 3: Setting User Permissions (Flags)
Not only is the administrator responsible for assigning user passwords and names, in
the “Flags” section, the administrator chooses how much authority to give the user.
There are three display values: 0: Disabled; 1: Normal; and 2: View Only.
“Normal” means the user can log in and use the Unit with full privileges.
iew Only
“View Only” means the user can watch what the server is doing but cannot send
keyboard and mouse commands.
In the “Disabled” mode, the Unit will not accept the login name or user ID.
To enable the new user name, you must change the value to
“Normal” or “View Only”.
Adjust Time/Date
Date and time is stored internally in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, sometimes
called GMT or Zulu time). When times are shown in logs or over the Web, a time zone
offset is applied to convert that time into local time. No provision is made for daylight
saving time.
Synchronizing the Time/Date with Your Computer
If the computer you are using to view this page knows the correct time, just press the
button labeled “Set date, time and time zone” to set the time and zone of the Unit to
the same time as your browser.
This section indicates when the page was sent. For example:
Wed, 15 Aug 2004 10:23:16 –400
ime Zone Offset (from UTC)
This is the number of minutes the Unit is offset from UTC. Most time zones are on
1-hour boundaries. If you take the UTC time (the time in Greenwich) and add this
(signed) value to it, you should get your current local time.
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