Port 2 has the same menu options as Port 1. The user must configure each port
separately. Each port can be configured for different functions. When both ports are
configured for the same functions, then the outputs of each port are identical. For
example, if each port is set to “Telnet” function and a telnet command is sent to the
Unit, then both ports will output the same command. Port 1 and Port 2 can operate at
different baud rates.
Note: Port 2 does not support hardware flow control.
Fig. 19
Breakout Cable
To access the “Serial port (RS-232 config)” menu (Fig. 20), call up the main menu by
hitting the appropriate hot key combination (the default is “Print Screen” + “Print
Screen”) and selecting “Serial Port (RS-232 config)”:
Fig. 20
To configure the serial port, choose the desired baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits,
and hardware flow control configuration (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21
Serial port (RS-232 config)
1. + Port 1 - Baud rate settings
2. P1 - Flow Control None
3. P1- Serial port 1 mode: Log
4. P1 - Watchdog mode: Log lines
5. P1 - Watch pattern:
6. P1 - Watchdog timeout: 2 minutes
Serial port (RS-232 config)
1. +Port 2 - Baud rate settings
3. P2 - Serial port 2 mode: Kaveman Log, Telnet, Watchdog
4. P2 - Watchdog mode: Log lines, Alert if found, Alert if missing
5. P2 - Watch pattern:
6. P2 - Watchdog timeout: 1 minute
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