To access the “Security Settings” menu (Fig. 15), call up the main menu by hitting the
appropriate hot key combination (the default is “Print Screen” + “Print Screen”) and
selecting “Security Settings”:
Fig. 15
You may choose one of the following three security policy buttons to configure the
Unit for common situations. Once this has been done, you may further fine-tune other
security settings, including local settings.
Relaxed Security (Default)
This is the factory default. It requires passwords (where defined) but allows those
passwords to be transmitted “in the clear” over the network. This means network
sniffers can see the passwords needed to access the Unit. This is the only mode that
leaves the telnet server enabled. You might need to use this mode if your browser does
not support encryption.
Internal LAN with Snoopers
This is the recommended setting for most office networks. It requires all connections
to use encryption. Passwords are not visible to network sniffers but the Unit does not
try to conceal its presence on the network.
For Use on the Public Internet
This is the recommended setting if the Unit is outside of a firewall and is visible to the
public Internet. Non-standard values are used for web server TCP/IP ports (8888 for
HTTP, 4444 for HTTPS), but you should change them from these default values. This
mode also enables two proprietary features of the Unit: Turtle mode and Stealth mode.
Security settings
1. + Change overall security mode
2. Admin password: *******
3. Turtle mode: Disabled
4. Turtle reset timeout: 24 hours
5. Reset turtle protection now
6. Stealth mode: Disabled
7. Require encryption (HTTPS): Optional
8. Require client SSL certificate: No, Yes
9. HTTP port number: 80
10. HTTPS port number: 443
11. Reset web server (what does this do?)
12. Idle logout time (minutes): 30
13. Telnet server port number: 23
14. Java viewer port number (clear): 123
15. Java viewer port number (SSL): 124
16. + User #1
17. + User #2
18. + User #3
19. + User #4
20. + User #5
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