11.Alert If Power Is Reset
If the Unit is reset or powered-off for any reason, this condition is activated when
power is restored. This might be used in combination with other controls above. To
enable, select “Yes”. To disable, select “No”.
12.Alert If My Ethernet Link Down
If the Ethernet link signal to the Unit is lost, then this condition is activated. There
can be some difficulty sending e-mail if this condition occurs, because the Unit is
off the Net in this situation. The event is still logged, however. To enable, select
“Yes”. To disable, select “No”.
13.Designating an ICMP Ping
The ICMP Ping address should be an IP address that will be pinged continuously. If
more than half of the packets are lost during a short interval, then the error
condition is triggered. This IP address does not need to be the controlled computer,
but might be a border router or other important component of your network. To
enable, enter an IP address to ping. To disable, use
14.HTTP Ping This Address
The number designated for HTTP pings of addresses should be an IP address of a
web (HTTP) server. The server will be asked to get the root page. If nothing is
returned (zero length) or the connection fails, then this error condition is
considered active. To disable, use
15.HTTP Ping This Port Number
The number designated for HTTP pings of ports should be an IP address of a web
(HTTP) server. The server will be asked to get the root page. If nothing is returned
(zero length) or the connection fails, then this error condition is considered active.
To disable, use
16.Current Time (Approx)
The value “Current time (approx)” is a Web-only value and cannot be changed
from the local console. You must use the web interface instead.
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