3Com WX2200 3CRWX220095A Video Game Controller User Manual

set server group 589
Examples — To set a RADIUS server named RS42 with IP address to use the default accounting and authorization ports with a
timeout interval of 30 seconds, two transmit attempts, 5 minutes of dead
time, and a key string of keys4u, type the following command:
WX1200# set radius server RS42 address timeout 30
retransmit 2 deadtime 5 key keys4U
See Also
display aaa on page 229
set authentication admin on page 239
set authentication console on page 241
set authentication dot1x on page 243
set authentication mac on page 247
set authentication mac on page 247
set authentication web on page 254
set radius on page 582
set server group on page 589
set server group Configures a group of one to four RADIUS servers.
Syntax set server group group-name members server-name1
[server-name2] [server-name3] [server-name4]
group-name Server group name of up to 32 characters, with no
spaces or tabs.
members server-name1, server-name2, server-name3,
— The names of one or more configured RADIUS
servers. You can enter up to four server names.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You must assign all group members simultaneously, as shown
in the example. To enable load balancing, use set server group
load-balance enable.