3Com WX2200 3CRWX220095A Video Game Controller User Manual

APTimeoutTraps—Generated when a MAP access point fails to
respond to the WX switch.
AuthenTraps—Generated when the WX switch’s SNMP engine
receives a bad community string.
AutoTuneRadioChannelChangeTraps—Generated when the
RF Auto-Tuning feature changes the channel on a radio.
AutoTuneRadioPowerChangeTraps—Generated when the
RF Auto-Tuning feature changes the power setting on a radio.
ClientAssociationFailureTraps—Generated when a client’s
attempt to associate with a radio fails.
ClientAssociationSuccessTraps—Generated when a client is
successfully associated.
ClientAuthorizationSuccessTraps—Generated when a client is
successfully authorized.
ClientAuthenticationFailureTraps—Generated when
authentication fails for a client.
ClientAuthenticationSuccessTraps—Generated when a client is
successfully authenticated.
ClientAuthorizationFailureTraps—Generated when
authorization fails for a client.
ClientClearedTraps—Generated when a client’s session is cleared.
ClientDeAssociationTraps—Generated when a client is
dissociated from a radio.
ClientDeAuthenticationTraps—Generated when a client is
disauthenticated from a radio.
ClientDot1xFailureTraps—Generated when a client experiences
an 802.1X failure.
ClientIpAddressChangeTraps—Generated when a client’s IP
address changes.
ClientRoamingTraps—Generated when a client roams.
CounterMeasureStartTraps—Generated when MSS begins
countermeasures against a rogue access point.
CounterMeasureStopTraps—Generated when MSS stops
countermeasures against a rogue access point.