3Com WX2200 3CRWX220095A Video Game Controller User Manual

disable Disables link calibration packets for the MAP radio.
History Introduced in MSS Version 6.0.
Usage By default, RF load balancing is enabled on all MAP radios.
Use this
command to disable or re-enable RF load balancing for the
specified MAP radio.
RF load balancing can also be disabled or re-enabled globally with the set
load-balancing mode command. If RF load balancing has been enabled
or disabled for a specific MAP radio, then the setting for the individual
radio takes precedence over the global setting.
ExamplesThe following command disables RF load balancing for
MAP radio 1 on
MAP 7:
WX# set ap 7 radio 1 load-balancing disable
See Also
set load-balancing strictness on page 399
clear ap radio load-balancing group on page 311
set ap local-switching mode on page 379
display load-balancing group on page 348
set ap radio load
balancing group
Assigns an MAP radio to a load balancing group.
Syntax — set ap ap-number radio {1 | 2} load-balancing group
name [rebalance]
ap ap-number — Index value that indentifies the MAP on the WX.
radio 1 Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)
group name — Name of an RF load balancing group to which the
MAP radio
is assigned. A radio can belong to only one group.