3Com WX2200 3CRWX220095A Video Game Controller User Manual

set authentication minimum-password-length 251
set authentication
Specifies the minimum allowable length for user passwords.
Syntax — set authentication minimum-password-length length
lengthMinimum number of characters that can be in a user
You can specify a minimum password length between 0
– 32 characters. Specifying 0 removes the restriction on password
Defaults By default, there is no minimum length for user passwords.
Access Enabled.
History Introduced in MSS 6.0.
Usage Use this command to specify the minimum length for user
When this command is configured, you cannot configure a
password shorter than the specified length.
When you enable this command, MSS evaluates the passwords
configured on the WX and displays a list of users whose password does
not meet the minimum length restriction.
ExamplesTo set the minimum length for user passwords at 7
characters, type the
following command:
WX# set authentication minimum-password-length 7
Warning: The following users have passwords that are shorter
than the minimum password length:
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear user lockout on page 226
set authentication minimum-password-length on page 251
set user on page 271