Configuration and Calibration LCD Displays
11342L Re v. 8 6/4/2004 105SL User Guide 51
Setting Serial Communications: Press the (+) or (–) key to display other choices.
Default: RS-232
Selections: RS-232, RS-422/485, RS-485 multidrop
Select the communications port that matches the one being used by the host computer.
Setting Baud: Press the (+) or (–) key to display other choices.
Default: 9600
Selections:110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400,
57600, 11 5200
The baud setting of the printer must match the baud setting of the host computer for
accurate communications to take place. Select the value that matches the one being
used by the host computer.
Setting Data Bits: Press the (+) or (–) key to display other choices.
Default: 7bits
Selections: 7bits, 8 bits
The data bits of the printer must match the data bits of the host computer for accurate
communications to take place. Set the data bits to match the setting being used by the
host computer
Note • This setting must be set to 8 data bits to use Code Page 850.
Setting Parity: Press the (+) or (–) key to display ot her choices.
Default: Even
Selections: Even, odd, none
The parity of the printer must match the parity of the host computer for accurate
communications to take place. Select the parity that matches the one being used by the
host computer.
Note • Depending on the model you have, this menu item may not be availabl e.
Setting Stop Bits: Press the (+) or (–) key to display other choices.
Default: 1 stop bit
Selections: 1 stop bit, 2 stop bits
The stop bits of the printer must match the stop bits of the host computer for accurate
communications to take place. Select the stop b its that match th e one being use d by th e
host computer.
Setting Host Handshake: Press the (+) or (–) key to display other choices.
Default: XON/XOFF
The handshake protocol of the printer must match the handshake protocol of the host
computer for communications to take place. Select the handshake protocol that matches
the one being used by the host computer.
Table 6 • Printer Parameters (Sheet 6 of 11)
Parameter Action/Explanation