Media Specifications
11342L Re v. 8 6/4/2004 105SL User Guide 97
Media Specifications
Media Specifications 105SL
Minimum label length* Tear-Off 0.7 in. (18 mm)
Peel-Off 0.5 in. (13 mm)
Cutter 1.5 in. (38 mm)
Rewind 0.25 in. (6 mm)
Total media width (label + liner, if any) Minimum 0.79 in. (20 mm)
Maximum 4.52 in. (115 mm)
Total thickness (includes liner, if any) Minimum 0.003 in. (0.076 mm)
Maximum 0.012 in. (0.305 mm)
Cutter maximum full-width media thickness 0.009 in. (0.229 mm)
Roll media core inside diameter 3 in. (76 mm)
Maximum roll diameter 8.0 in. (203 mm)
Inter-label gap Minimum 0.079 in. (2 mm)
Preferred 0.118 in. (3 mm)
Maximum Maximum inter-label gap =
2 × (label length for which you have calibrated
the printer) + 1 in. (25.4 mm)
Maximum internal fanfold media pack size (label + liner)
L × W × H
8.0 in. × 4.5 in. × 4.5 in.
(203 mm × 114 mm × 114 mm)
Ticket/tag sensing notch L × W 0.12 in. × 0.25 in. (3 mm × 6 mm)
Ticket/tag sensing hole diameter 0.125 in. (3 mm)
specifications for
black mark sensing
Mark length
(measuring paralle l to
label/tag edge)
Minimum 0.12 in. (3 mm)
Maximum 0.43 in. (11 mm)
Mark width (measuring
to perpendicular
label/tag edge)
Minimum ≥ 0.43 in. (≥ 11 mm)
Maximum Full media width
Mark location Marks must be locate d wi thin 0.04 0 in. (1 mm)
of the inside media edge.
Mark density >1 .0 Optical Density Un it (ODU)
Maximum density of back of media
on which black mark is printed
0.5 ODU
* Media registration and minimum label le ngth are af fected by media type and width, ribbon t ype, print speed,
and printer mode of operation. Performance improves as these factors are optimized. Zebra recommends
always qualifying any application with thorough testing.