6947ch03.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
84 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
The z990 CHPID Mapping Tool (CMT) can help you to plan for the best I/O port selection for
high availability purposes. For more information about the z990 CMT, see “IBM z990 CHPID
Mapping Tool (CMT)” on page 116.
3.3 I/O and cryptographic feature cards
I/O cards have the I/O port(s) to connect the z990 server to external devices, networks, or to
other servers. I/O cards are plugged into I/O slots in an I/O cage, and their specific locations
are based on z990 configuration rules. There are different types of I/O cards, one for each
channel or link type. I/O cards can be installed or replaced concurrently.
Optional cryptographic cards are also plugged into an I/O slot in an I/O cage, and have
coprocessors and accelerator cards for cryptographic functions. There are two different types
of cryptographic cards, and they can be installed or replaced concurrently.
3.3.1 I/O feature cards
Table 3-3 gives a summary of all I/O feature cards that are supported on z990 servers.
Table 3-3 I/O feature cards
(*) OSA-E Feature Codes 2364, 2365 and 2366 are brought forward on an upgrade only.
I/O feature cards no longer supported
The following I/O feature cards are no longer supported on z990 servers:
Parallel channel cards (z900’s FC 2304)
Parallel channel cards are not offered as a new build option and are not offered on an
upgrade from z900. Parallel control units can be connected to ESCON channels of the
z990 server through the following ESCON Converters:
– IBM 9034 (which has been withdrawn from marketing)
I/O card types Feature Codes (FC)
ESCON 2323
FICON Express LX 2319
FICON Express SX 2320
OSA-E GbE LX 1364
2364 (*)
OSA-E GbE SX 1365
2365 (*)
OSA-E 1000BASE-T Ethernet 1366
OSA-E Fast Ethernet 2366 (*)
OSA-E Token Ring 2367
ISC-3 0218 (ISC-D),
0217 (ISC-M)
ISC-3 up to 20 Km RPQ 8P2197 (ISC-D)
ETR 6154