6947ch06.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
146 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
Adapter Interruption applying to performance assist for FICON Express features (type
FCP), and OSA-Express features (type OSD)
V=V guest support applying to performance assist for FICON Express features (type
FCP), OSA-Express features (type OSD), and HiperSockets (type IQD).
See also “HCD support” on page 140 for I/O configuration support under z/VM.
ICKDSF Release 17 is required on all systems that share DASD with a z990 processor (see
6.2.7, “ICKDSF requirements” on page 141).
6.4 z/VSE and VSE/ESA software support
z/VSE and VSE/ESA support for z990 is provided on VSE/ESA V2.6, VSE/ESA V2.7, z/VSE
V3.1 and later. For the latest information on support requirements, refer to the VSE subset of
the 2084DEVICE Preventative Service Planning (PSP) bucket prior to installing the z990
Some z/VSE and VSE/ESA supported functions are:
Support for up to 30 logical partitions
Up to four Logical Channel Subsystems
Spanned channel support (in VSE/ESA V2.7 and z/VSE V3.1 for HiperSockets CHPID
type IQD only)
Adapter Interruption applying to performance assist (in VSE/ESA V2.7 and z/VSE V3.1 for
OSA-Express CHPID type OSD)
HiperSockets support for CHPID type IQD (in VSE/ESA V2.7 and z/VSE V3.1 only)
z/VSE V3R1 is planned to have support for the Fiber Channel Protocol (FCP attached to a
SCSI disk).
ICKDSF Release 17 is required on all systems that share DASD with a z990 processor (see
6.2.7, “ICKDSF requirements” on page 141).
6.5 TPF software support
TPF support for z990 is provided by TPF Version 4.1, which also includes the support for up
to 30 logical partitions.
ICKDSF Release 17 is required on all systems that share DASD with a z990 processor (see
6.2.7, “ICKDSF requirements” on page 141).
6.6 Linux software support
The currently available distributions SUSE SLES 7, SUSE SLES 8, Red Hat 7.1 and Red Hat
RHEL 3.0, Turbolinux TLES 8, and Conectiva CLEE support compatibility and exploitation of
Important: The z/VSE operating system can execute in 31-bit mode only. It does not
implement z/Architecture, and specifically does not implement 64-bit mode capabilities.
The z/VSE operating system is designed to exploit select features of IBM eServer zSeries