Chapter 8. Capacity upgrades 197
Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm 6947ch08.fm
Figure 8-5 CIU activation example
Figure 8-5 shows the CIU activation process. IBM Resource Link communicates with the
Remote Support Facility to stage the CIU order and prepare it for download. The customer is
automatically notified when the order is ready for download.
Order and fulfillment process
By using the CIU process, associated systems allow the customer to order increased
capacity for CPs, ICFs, IFLs, zAAPs and/or memory. Resource Link is responsible for
delivering the price or lease agreement to the customer. The interface handles the order
differently based on whether the customer is leasing the server or not. The customer profile
associated with the machine serial number will contain an indicator that Resource Link uses
to make the determination. If the customer chooses to accept this agreement, then it will be
forwarded to the correct billing system. Only Resource Link users who accept this feature will
be able to access to this CIU application.
The two major components in the process are
Ordering and Activation.
Resource Link provides the interface that allows the customer to order a dynamic upgrade for
a specific server. The customer is able to create, cancel, and view the order. The customer
also is able to view the history of orders that were placed through this interface. Configuration
rules will enforce only valid configurations being generated within the limits of the individual
server. Warning messages will be issued when certain invalid upgrade options are selected.
Figure 8-6 on page 198 shows a Resource Link Web page that displays a CIU order example.
Remote Support
CIU order
CIU order