6947axA.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
242 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
Figure A-9 Token ring and Ethernet wiring scenario
Additional connections to the Token Ring LAN
These connections, shown in Figure A-10 on page 243, may be made to expand the
connectivity beyond the local Hardware Management Console and Support Elements. This
would be done as in the “Token ring only wiring scenario” on page 236.
Additional connections to the Ethernet LAN may be made to expand the connectivity beyond
the local Hardware Management Console and Support Elements. This would be done as in
the “Ethernet only - one-path wiring scenario” on page 237.
If connections to previous generations of IBM Enterprise Server systems are desired, they
may be connected using the token ring LAN.
If connection to the enterprise LAN is desired, it is recommended that an Ethernet bridge or
router be installed to isolate the Hardware Management Console and Support Elements from
other systems.
Remote operations
The ability to monitor or control a system from a central or remote location creates a powerful
tool for problem determination and diagnosis and operations assistance. This remote
capability can save time and money and increase the productivity of support staff. Technical
expertise can be centralized, reducing the need for highly skilled personnel at remote
There are several options available for controlling systems from a remote location:
Hardware Management Console
Web browser
Remote control program management product
Choosing the best option involves understanding your remote control needs and use patterns.
The figure below shows an example configuration for each option.
Ethernet LAN
zSeries 990