Chapter 8. Capacity upgrades 227
Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm 6947ch08.fm
by taking the WASDB workload, and converting it to run both application and data base
server in a single Linux image.
The WASDB/L workload is basically the same as the WASDB workload for z/OS, with
exception of being enabled for Linux. UDB 7.0 is used instead of DB2 v7.0, and
WebSphere AE 4.0.4 is used instead of WebSphere
EAS-AS/L (Enterprise Application Solution Application Serving under Linux):
The EAS-AS/L workload reflects the Application Server (AS) portion of the Enterprise
Application Solution running in a Linux environment. The AS resides in a Linux on zSeries
image while the database server and presentation server reside outboard. The EAS
application used for this workload is the SAP R/3 product using DB2 for z/OS. The
workload is derived from the SAP AG defined Sales and Distribution (SD) environment,
but is not based on SAP AG certified benchmarks results. Specifically, the results show an
SAP R/3 AS in 3-tier client/server configuration. The other two tiers, database server and
presentation server, are not represented in this data.
This workload is similar to the previous EAS-DB (OS/390 R3-DB) workload description.
The software levels used are SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for zSeries and SAP R/3
Release 4.6D.
New predefined z/OS workload mixes
For better accuracy when projecting capacity with LSPR workload data and improved
consistency when working across multiple LSPR releases, new predefined z/OS workload
mixes are also introduced.
There are six predefined z/OS workload mixes:
LSPR-Mix: LSPR generic mix (60% online, 40% other), the default
TI-Mix: Transaction intensive mix (60% online, 40% other)
TD-Mix: Transaction dominant mix (40% online, 60% other)
TM-Mix: Transaction moderate mix (30% online, 70% other)
CB-Mix: Commercial batch mix (100% other)
LoIO-Mix: Low I/O content (special; for use when less than 30 DASD I/Os/sec per MSU)
Table 8-4 lists the LSPR workload types and percentages used for each predefined z/OS
mixed workload.
Table 8-4 New z/OS predefined workload mixes
The new default mixed workload is the LSPR-Mix, which is calculated with equal mix (20%) of
CB-L, CB-S, WASDB, OLTP-W and OLTP-T workloads, running under z/OS V1 R4, in LPAR
Workload type
z/OS Workload Mixes
TI-Mix TD-Mix TM-Mix CB-Mix LoIO-Mix
CB-L 20% 30% 45% 52.5% 75% 60%
CB-S 20% 10% 15% 17.5% 25% -
20% 30% 20% 15% - 20%
20% 30% 20% 15% - -