Chapter 6. Software support 151
Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm 6947ch06.fm
Even using the soft capping option, the partition’s utilization can reach up to its maximum,
based on the number of logical processors and weights, as usual. Only the rolling 4-hour
average utilization is tracked, allowing utilization peaks above the defined capacity value.
As in the Parallel Sysplex License Charges (PSLC) software license charge type, the
aggregation of servers’ capacities within a same Parallel Sysplex is also possible in WLC,
following the same pre-requisites.
For further information about WLC and details how to combine logical partitions utilization see
z/OS Planning for Workload License Charges, SA22-7506.
6.9 Concurrent upgrades considerations
Using Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD), On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD),
Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU) or Capacity Backup (CBU), you can concurrently upgrade
the z990 from one model to another, either temporarily or permanently. You need to consider
the effect on the software running on a z990 when performing these upgrades on a z990
Enabling and using the additional processor capacity should be transparent to all
applications. There may be, however, a small class of applications that obtains the processor
model-related information, for example, software monitors or applications that use the
processor model information as a means of validation.
Processor Identification
There are two instructions used to obtain the processor model information:
STIDP, Store CPU ID instruction
STIDP instruction provides a 1-byte hexadecimal version code, which is x'00' for zSeries
servers. The STIDP instruction also provides information on the processor type (2084),
serial number and LPAR identifier, as shown on Table 6-4.
On the z990, the LPAR identifier field has been expanded to a full byte to support greater
than 15 logical partitions.
Table 6-4 STIDP output for z990
(1) Version code is zero for zSeries processors
(2) The logical partition identifier is a two-digit number in the range from ‘00’ to ‘3F’. It is assigned
by the user on the image profile through the Support Element (SE) or Hardware Management
Console (HMC).
(3) High order bit on indicates that the LPAR id value returned in bits 8-15 is now a two-digit
value. zSeries processors prior to z990 return x’0000’.
When issued from an operating system running as a guest under z/VM, the result
depends on whether the SET CPUID command has been used or not.
– Without the use of the set CPUID command, bits 0-7 are set to ‘FF’ by z/VM but
remaining bits are unchanged, meaning they are exactly as they would have been
without running as a z/VM guest.
CPU identification number Machine
type number
bit position 0-7 8-15 16-31 32-48 48-63
Value x’00’
6-digit number derived from
the CPC serial number
x’2084’ x’8000’