
Chapter 7. Sysplex functions 161
Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm 6947ch07.fm
updated CFCC code to a CF logical partition, simply deactivate and activated the partition.
When the CF comes up, it displays its version on the OPRMSG panel for that partition.
Continue to run other LPARs on the z990 where a ‘disruptive’ CFCC patch is applied
without being impacted by the application of the patch.
CFCC levels supported on a z990
CFLEVEL 13 has improvements that benefit some software environments in a Parallel
Sysplex. Especially DB2 data sharing may expect a performance improvement for castout
processing against large DB2 group buffer pool structures.
For additional details on CF code levels see the following link:
For additional details regarding CF configurations, see the paper Coupling Facility
Configuration Options,
GF22-5042, available from the Parallel Sysplex Web site:
CFLEVEL Minimum software levels
a. Always consult the latest PSP bucket for 2084DEVICE and the appropriate subset for the lat-
est maintenance information.
64-bit support, removal of the 2 GB line
System Managed CF Structure Duplexing
Support for Message Time Ordering
z/OS 1.4 and above is required to fully exploit
the functions.
z/OS 1.2 and above with APAR OW41617 is
minimum for System Managed CF Structure
All supported levels of z/OS
and OS/390
2.10 with PTFs can be used with CFLEVEL
12, but may not
take advantage of the
b. z/OS1.1 is not supported on the z990
CFCC enhanced patch apply
CFCC performance improvements
benefitting castout processing against large
DB2 group buffer pool structures
All supported levels of z/OS
and OS/390
2.10 with PTFs can be used with CFLEVEL
13, but may not
take advantage of the
c. z/OS1.1 is not supported on the z99
Note: When migrating to a new CFCC level, lock, list, and cache structure sizes will
typically increase to support new functions.
This adjustment can have an impact when the system allocates structures or copies
structures from one Coupling Facility to another at different CFCC levels.
The Coupling Facility structure sizer tool can size structures for you and takes into account
the amount of space needed for the current CFCC levels.
The CFSIZER tool can be found at: