Chapter 2. System structure and design 63
Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm 6947ch02.fm
Table 2-5 z990 upgrade paths
Upgrade paths from IBM 2064 models (z900) offer a virtually unrestricted upgrade capability.
Upgrades from any z900 to any z990 server are supported (with the exception of the IBM
2064 model 100, which can only can be upgraded to another z900 model).There are also no
upgrade paths from IBM 9672 G5 and G6 models, nor is there an upgrade path from the IBM
2066 models (z800).
There are limited upgrade paths from 2086-A04 model (z890) to 2084-A08 model (z990). For
details contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner.
Figure 2-17 shows all upgrade paths from z900 to z990 models, and all upgrade paths within
the z990 model range.
Figure 2-17 Supported z900-to-z990 upgrade paths
Software models
In order to recognize how many PUs are characterized as a CP, the STSI instruction returns a
value that can be seen as a software model number to determine the number of assigned
CPs. Characterization of a PU as an IFL, an ICF or an zAAP is not reflected in the output of
the STSI instruction, since they have no effect on MLC software charging.
Table 2-6 shows that regardless of the number of books, a configuration with one
characterized CP is possible (for example, an IBM 2084 model D32 may have only one PU
characterized as a CP for customer use).
z990 Models 2084-A08 2084-B16 2084-C24 2084-D32
2084-A08 - X X X
2084-B16 - - X X
2084-C24 - - - X
z900 z990