6947ch06.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
142 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
6.2.8 ICSF support
If you use z990 cryptographic hardware functions with ICSF, then you must install
Compatibility support for this feature.
The PCIXCC features are the cryptographic hardware for the z990 that support Secure Keys.
Clear Key support is provided by the PCICA cards and the CP Assist for Cryptographic
6.2.9 Additional exploitation support considerations
The following areas need to be considered when running z/OS in exploitation mode:
SMF type 89 record is used for recording Product Usage data and is extended for Exploitation
mode support. A new field, SMF89LP3, allows an 8-bit LPAR id to be stored. This field is
marked valid by the new flag bit SMF89LPM. When an LPAR id is less than or equal to x’F’,
the LPAR id is stored in both the new field and the old 4-bit SMF89LP2 field to maintain
Standalone dump
z/OS systems that have Exploitation support installed must generate a new version of the
standalone dump program. This standalone dump program cannot be used for dumping
systems at earlier releases of z/OS or z/OS V1.4 systems that have only the Compatibility
support installed.
The output from the D M=CPU command shows the two-digit LPAR id (set in the image profile),
the LCSS id associated with the logical CPUs associated with the logical partition in that
LCSS, and the MIF ID; see Figure 6-4. The logical CPU address no longer appears in the first
digit of the serial number, as a result of the change to the STIDP instruction.
Important: The need for ICKDSF Release 17 applies even to systems that are not part of
the same sysplex, or that are running a non-MVS™ based operating system, such as
Important: The ICSF Compatibility support is available for OS/390 V2.10, z/OS V1.3 and
V1.4. Later releases have this support incorporated.
If you are running on an earlier level of OS/390 or z/OS, then you
must upgrade the logical
partition calling ICSF to either OS/390 V2.10, z/OS V1.3, or V1.4 before you can move that
environment onto a z990 processor.